One item on my pre-baby to-do list with baby #2 was to search out a handful (or a dozen) birth affirmations that will encourage me during birth. So I did a bit of research, sifted through dozens of affirmations, and finally I designed this fun (and free) Birth Affirmations Printable for all of you!

Birth affirmations or mantras can be an incredibly powerful tool in your tool belt as you head into labor and delivery. I’ve used mantras throughout my life, and I’m excited to harness a few for birth as well!
I plan on printing these out on heavy cardstock, cutting them into cards, and sticking them on my VBAC Vision Board.
Will these little mantras help me when the time comes? I will definitely report back, and let you know! For now, I am going to do everything in my power to prep for my VBAC next month (next month?!).
Sign up below, to receive this free printable in your email box!
hey there mind reactivating these?
These are great! An affirmation I used when I was pregnant recently: My body was made for this.
I love that affirmation! Thanks for sharing, Holly!