Spring has unfurled slowly this year, leaf by leaf. It has been such a beautiful experience, with both of my pregnancies, that the day I started feeling better physically directly corresponded with the arrival of spring. I have always been sickest in my first trimester, which then turns into dreadful headaches and continued food aversions at the beginning of my second trimester, but then once I hit the weeks 20-24 I seem to suddenly feel like myself again.
“She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
“Winter is dead.”
― When We Were Very Young
So many women have dreadful sickness for the entirety of their pregnancies, and so I feel guilty even saying that I am feeling really good, but I am so relieved to feel like I’m back to myself again.
We’ve been really busy in our neck of the woods. We secured a two-bedroom apartment a few weeks back (thanks God!), Saia lost his only truck keys for three weeks and then–miraculously–found them in the back of the truck just as the locksmith was about to try to recreate a key for him (thanks God!), and we have been on the hunt for a minivan. We spent a whole day this week driving to the big city, picking up a minivan, driving it to our mechanic to get checked out, driving it back to the big city and then driving home. Such a long day. And at the end of it all, we didn’t buy the minivan. But we walked away with our cash still in our pockets, and I’ll count that as a win in any case. We are still looking, but trying to be patient and wait for the right vehicle.
Other than that, I’ve been busy chasing (literally running around after him these days) after Gideon, and trying to stay on top of both loving him and disciplining him. His little will has definitely emerged, and learning how to teach him to obey has been a new challenge! With kids, I feel like as soon as you figure out one major hurdle (we just got him sleeping through the night) there’s another one to problem-solve (weaning/when to start potty training/discipline). He is such a joy, and I just can’t even fathom that he will have a little sib in a few months!
Speaking of that little brother or sister, let’s get on with this week’s bumpdate!

How far along: 23 weeks down, 17ish left to go!
Baby is as big as a: sweet potato
Due date: August 23rd
Currently reading: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth and any VBAC birth stories I can find on Pinterest.
Currently listening to: Spotify. I’ve been trying to curate a “labor and delivery” list of songs that are inspiring to me. It’s quite an eclectic list.
Exercise: Still walking 1-1.5 hours a day with Gideon, and it feels SO good. I really do miss running, though. I was running up to nine miles this past fall, and I loved it. Then the winter hit, and I stopped (I loathe treadmill running). During my first trimester I was so exhausted that I had a daily goal of walking 1,000 steps: I didn’t count any steps I took during the day, but made myself go on a 1,000-step-walk every day, which usually was about fifteen minutes, and that was all I could handle at that point. Now I am back to walking 2-3 miles a day, but I really want to start jogging. Hoping that next summer I can run a few races, post-baby.
Gender: For the first half of this pregnancy, I was convinced it was a boy (since my pregnancies have been so similar), but now I am thinking girl. We shall see!
Purchases I’ve made/what I’m dejunking: A sweet friend of our family’s messaged me, and asked if she could trade in an old broken carseat to Target for a 20% off coupon for a new carseat for us. How kind! We bought a used carseat for Gideon, which we hated and he outgrew at less than six months. We got rid of that carseat, and bought him a lovely convertible carseat which we have really liked. For this baby, I decided to buy a new carseat, because all the used carseats only have so much time left before they expire anyways, and there’s always the worry that they might have been in an accident previously. I’m hoping that by buying new we can use this infant seat for a couple kids before it expires.
How are you feeling? Really good! Working on finding affirmations to focus on throughout pregnancy, and labor/delivery.
Maternity clothes: Nothing new to report here! Still loving maternity clothes.
Best moment this week: Going to the park with Hubs and Gideon.
Cravings: I’ve been eating lots of spicy foods (which I could not handle at the beginning of my pregnancy) and fresh fruit!
Symptoms: occasional ligament pain
Looking forward to: more dejunking this week! I’ve been loving getting rid of things.
And, for comparison, here is my 23 Weeks Pregnant with #1
Yay! Glad to read you are feeling much better and way to go on all those long walks! Enjoy the ease of a single stroller my friend lol. And yay for dejunking as well! I also love getting stuff out of my house. I’m currently debating how long we have to keep two large bunnies from grandma that the babes have zero interest in.
Katie! I have missed your sweet comments, friend. Hope you are doing well!
Yes, last year with the single stroller–sob!–any recommendations for double strollers? What do you use?
Two bunnies! Wow! They sound so cute! Although, probably extra work that you don’t need. I’ve definitely told Saia we aren’t getting a dog until we no longer have little kids anymore. Not sure I would be able to gracefully balance babies and puppies simultaneously (plus I get irrationally angry when anyone or thing makes a noise during nap time, ha ha!).
Oops! Lol Two stuffed animal bunnies! No real bunnies here, that would be crazy. I’m working on two tomato plants but no other major commitments.
I would agree with you on the dog deal. Especially once you have two baby schedules to juggle, a barking dog or even a dog that needs attention, has for me been that extra push into annoyance. My dog is probably one of the most well behaved dogs, but it’s still hard. I couldn’t do a puppy with babies.
Yes! I do have thoughts on double strollers. I originally bought a front and back one (I forget my reasoning) the baby trend sit and stand I believe it’s called. It was sooo hard for me to push. I could do it but turning or anything really took ALL of my strength. After a walk I’d have to rest and once we got pregnant again, I would cramp from using the stroller so we decided to upgrade to the britax b-lively. It’s a side by side and WAY easier for me to push. It’s lightweight so check how many pounds a stoller is, it makes a difference! I’m only 5’3 and 98 lbs, so I can’t be pushing something too big. The old one was 150$ and the new 399$, but I go on a lot of walks and that other stroller was just too heavy and hard for me (Dillon didn’t have trouble). You’ll use yours a ton I imagine so don’t go cheap like I did. And side by side has been way easier for me.
Im sorry I haven’t commented as much, the rough first trimester, but I’m always a fan and a reader!
Oh! I’m glad you don’t have live bunnies, ha ha!
Thank you for your double stroller recommendation! And, yes, I couldn’t bear to sell my beloved turquoise Thule single stroller. I figure I’ll only have one kid in a stroller eventually, ha ha!
I am off to look up the britax b-lively! I have been wondering if I should do side by side or front and back, so that is good to know! My Mom had (actually still has) a side by side jogger that she used through all of us kids, and still uses to tote around grandkids. So I know it is probably worth the investment. Thanks for the help!
I have so missed hearing from you! But that first trimester is the worst. I am hoping you are feeling much better these days!
Oh! And keep your single stroller! Because you will totally use it still and those days you’ll be able to walk so fast! Haha