We are so excited to travel to…
Our babymoon! Many of you made guesses as to where the sandy beach was that we would be headed to in a few weeks. Some of you guessed Florida, Oregan, Maine, and Hawaii! All would be excellent places to visit, but we will not be heading to any of them at least not on this particular babymoon. We will, in fact, be vacationing in…drum roll please…sunny California! Saia has some family there, and they graciously invited us to their home. We will be hanging out with them, spending time at the beach, and soaking up everything California has to offer! I will, of course, write a full recap of our trip once we get back.
How far along: 25 weeks!
Due date: August 29
Gender: It’s a surprise! What’s your vote? Boy or girl?
How big is baby? Baby now measures 13.5 inches, and is 1.5 lbs! Wows!
This week, baby: Baby now has hair, and if we could take a peek–we could actually see what color that hair is! I am about 99.9% positive that all my kids will have black hair like their daddy, but then I guess you never know. I am hoping that they get his curls.
Exercise: Still not getting in as much as I should, but squeezing in a few workouts every week. And I’ve increased my activity level in my day-to-day life. I still need to get more walking in, so that will be my goal this week!

What I’m googling: baby names. Lots and lots of baby names. You guys, do you realize that I am not only fifteen weeks away from having a baby?! In THREE MONTHS baby will be here, and we still have not decided on a name. Oy. I’ve spent a lot of time googling baby names, writing down baby names, and mulling them over in my head.
Purchases I’ve made: a new baby name book from Amazon. I decided that I needed more resources than the couple of books I picked up at Goodwill, and Google search, so I ordered another book. I also bought a swimsuit for our babymoon! I didn’t want to spend a lot on a maternity swimsuit, so I took myself to our local Goodwill on 99 cent day, and found a suit (from Land’s End! Score!) a few sizes larger than my regular size, for a dollar! It fits my belly quite nicely, and while I wouldn’t want to own the size, sizing up made it into the perfect maternity suit.
How are you feeling? Still feeling GREAT. My energy levels are awesome, I am getting lots done, and I have very few troublesome symptoms. Whew. I am taking care of items that have languished on my to-do list for months, and I just feel empowered! Not sure if it is the weird hormones from pregnancy, that I am not feeling sick all the time, or what–but I am loving life now. The third trimester, and all the discomfort I hear it entails, can just stay away as long as it likes. Ha ha!
Maternity clothes: Forever crushing on my maternity jeans. I love them like crazy. Went to Goodwill, and picked up some roomier shirts, since I was running low on short sleeve shirts that worked with the little bump. Also, grabbed a few summer dresses that will work for our babymoon. I am still desperately in need of some maternity shorts, since my shorts from last summer are definitely not going to cut it this summer. So if anyone has any suggestions for where to find those–let me know! We’ve had a few 90 degree days here in Nebraska already (sob!) and I’ve lived mostly in maternity jeans and a few skirts.
Sleep: Really great! Sleeping like a rock.
Best moment this week: Helping out at my Mom’s plant sale this weekend, and eating a few of Grandma’s yummy homemade donuts.
Worst moment this week: Last week was a super stressful week: we had a handful of random, large bills pop up out of nowhere, and that left me feeling so overwhelmed. But it is amazing what a good night’s sleep will do. We have things figured out, and I always need to remind myself that every problem has a solution.
Miss anything? I just miss the ability to move our furniture around. I am definitely nesting these days, and I’m all about moving that furniture. Ha ha!
Movement: Baby can now definitely shake my belly like crazy. It is so fascinating to me! Any time it happens in public, I am always sneaking glances at people to see if they notice that my stomach is moving independently of me, but no one ever does. This baby is definitely an active one.
Cravings: Still craving a gyro. Sniff. Still eating my weight in watermelon every week. Still dreaming about this mediterranean pasta that we made three days in a row, because it tasted so good to us both. In fact, I think I’ll drop by the store, and get the ingredients to make it again…
Symptoms: I am definitely feeling the weight of my belly these days, it just causes more pressure than it has up until now. I, also, have reached the stage where I need to eat smaller portions more often, so that I can do things like breathe after I eat.
Looking forward to: the babymoon with my hunky hubby in a few weeks!
I hear California is lovely! What fun! Can’t wait to see the pictures! 🙂
Thanks friend! We’ll take lots of pictures. 🙂