Sprinkles, cupcakes, kava, laughter, babies, and luxury hotels.
This describes my past weekend. My hubs is from Hawaii, and I am from Nebraska. We are finishing up our undergrad degrees in Nebraska, and unfortunately don’t get to see his family as much as we would like. About a month ago when we found out a good portion of his family would be in Texas to celebrate his nephie’s first birthday party we booked a hotel, put it on the calendar, and anticipated it greatly. We headed to Dallas this past weekend, and enjoyed every minute of this speedy but meaningful trip.
This trip was crazy beautiful. We had the opportunity to see part of my hubby’s family which was such a treat, and we picked up my brother who has been a wwoofer for the past few months, and he spent the weekend with us as well.
We got back to Nebraska sick as dogs, but it was all worth it in order to steal away to invest some time in our family.
Hubs and I have traveled several times since we got married. We went to Chicago on our honeymoon, to St. Louis to see my brother and his wife, and to Long Pine Ne for our family camping trip. This time around I was determined that we would not eat any fast food or greasy gas station junk so we went to Wal-Mart to stock up on travel food goodies. We got a lot of good food. A lot meaning about a hundred dollars worth. Yikes. I told Warrior Man that next time it might be cheaper to just buy from gas stations. We got some other things as well like gifts, and household needs so it was worth it.
I had classes all morning so hubs made the sandwiches. These sandwiches were HUGE and incredibly delicious stuffed with hunks of cheese, roast beef, onion, tomato, lettuce, mustard, and lots of mayo.
We also packed trail mix, beef jerky, pickles, fruit, juice, and my personal favorite—hummus and triscuits. I have never been much of a hummus fan before, but this trip converted me. Hubs and I ate this whole bowl, and licked the tub clean.
We also brought along sparkling water, which is my new favorite drink of choice, and which comes in this beautiful pink cans. Just lovely.
It poured on us all the way across Oklahoma, and until we got to Dallas. Visibility wasn’t great, and another car hit us in the Starbucks parking lot when we went to pick up my brother. Luckily neither car was damaged.
We listened to Ralph Moody books (aff link) which if you haven’t read then you should drop what you are doing and order them) all the way there, and our little car felt quite cozy. Raging rain or no. We finally got to Dallas and checked into our swanky hotels (thanks to hotwire!) and the next day we headed over to our nephie’s 1st birthday party. Is this not the cutest cake you have ever seen?
And cupcakes to match!
Not to mention how adorable the Birthday Boy was!
For they party they had the most delicious tacos I think I have ever had, and horchata (my hubby’s favorite) here is a pic by my father-in-law. We were full of tacos, and enjoying the company.
My hubs loves his nephews soooo much.
Did I mention there was also a petting zoo? So many fun animals.
This little goat was quite the character. He kept escaping from the pens, and he began wandering around in-between the tables as we ate. He had no idea that he had just walked into a lion’s den, because everyone was commenting on how delicious goat meat was. He barely escaped with his life.
I put down my camera for the remainder of the weekend so I could just enjoy the experience. We filled the last hours with enjoying time with family, eating good food, and just relaxing. It was such a wonderful weekend, and I am looking forward to going back soon.
Have you been on road trips recently? Where would you like to road trip if you had the chance?
So fun! I love LaCroix right now too, Coconut is my fav or Grapefruit. And what an adorable party. My toddler would love it!
I love this post – and oh my goodness, lady, your photography is starting to look extra stellar! So cool!
My hubby and I took a road trip from New Hampshire to Florida for our honeymoon – SO MUCH FUN!!! And yes, getting snacks at Walmart or wherever beforehand was SO KEY. We did do lots of restaurants and whatnot along the way (it was our honeymoon, after all!) but having car snacks and drinks ready and waiting for us made a huge difference.
Also WHAT A CUTIE PATOOTIE your nephew is! Oh my lanta, what a doll! <3
Thanks, Grady! You are such a sweetheart. I would love to read a post about your honeymoon! That sounds like such a wonderful road trip.
We ate out A LOT on our honeymoon as well. Hey, it just happens once in your life, right? Isn’t my nephie so adorable? He and his brother are just the cutest little guys. Love ya, girl!
I LOVE GOATS! Seriously. Life goal? Have a goat farm.
Also, I loved your travel food. My hubby and I take a 6 hour road trip once a month to see family. We always end up eating fast food, and we both hate it. I’m stealing your food ideas for our trip next weekend. And I love sparkling water. It’s such a great alternative to soda. <3
Ha ha, I love your life goal, Jess! A woman after my own heart. I am pretty sure if I had a goat farm my Tongan husband would constantly be lessening my flock in favor of curry goat.
I have never liked soda, and so I was so excited to find sparkling water. Just so good!
Great photos. You all look as if you’re enjoying your time together. And that sandwich — how could anybody eat all that for lunch?
Ha ha! My hubby eats a lot of food, Francene. He also works out a lot so I am amazed by his appetite. I have a very small mouth so taking a bite of that sandwich proved to be difficult, but worth the work.
Sure looks like everyone had a good time, even the goats.
Came over from Blogger’s corner. Coffee is on
It was a lot of fun, Dora!
I am eye-ing that hummus like no one’s business!
Ha ha! Hummus is so incredibly delicious. Yum, yum.
Looks like a fantastic weekend! Our last road trip was actually to Nebraska. Mitch was speaking at a youth rally. But it was great because we got to see several friends from college, my parents, my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. I love the things you guys packed for food! We actually bought a cooler last year for road trips so that we could pack string cheese, fresh fruits and veggies, and other goodies that were healthy. I like the idea of hummus! We used to make hummus, but it is been a long time since we have. We should change that!
I remember you posting a picture of some Redbeard’s coffee, and I assumed you had been in York! I need to start making hummus now that I am addicted to it. Do you have a favorite recipe? I would love to get a copy if you do!
This is such a lovely post. Everything about it. I love how much you enjoy being with your family, and I love the pictures of you all together, I love the picture showing your homemade socks (one inside-out!), and I love hearing about your trip. And that birthday boy! He couldn’t be cuter, could he? You got some really good pictures of him, with delight washed over his little face!
Aw, thanks Mom! I just figured that one of those socks were inside out. Ha! I was wondering what was wrong in that picture.
Are these the socks Grandma brought from Ireland? Or are they your socks? Now that I look at them I am completely befuddled as to where they came from! #bigfamilyproblems
Oh, Bethie, that picture of Saia and Max! So sweet. <3 And the last picture of the goat, too–gorgeous. How are you so amazing?
You are the sweetest sister anyone could have. Thanks for the encouraging comment.
I admire your photography so much! I am sorry I have fallen woefully behind on our year of pictures. Show week did that to me. I will jump back in this week!