Welcome to my very first BUMPDATE!
I have been meaning to take pictures since I was four weeks along, but I just have never gotten around to it! Posting bump dates on Dandelion Pie every Tuesday will keep me accountable, and help track this pregnancy before it is over in a blink of an eye!
I do feel a bit sheepish posting this, as I hardly have a bump yet, but I want to document this pregnancy as much as possible, so bump date it is! There is the smallest bump there, can you see it?
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How far along: 13 weeks–second trimester, baby! (Some of my apps say that 14 weeks is the beginning of the second trimester, and other sources say 13 weeks. So I am making an executive decision to claim this week as a second trimester week!) I cannot believe how fast time is going! Counting my progress in weeks really has made time zip on by.
Due date: August 29th. All along, I have felt like baby will be born in the beginning of September. Not that I am wishing myself to get overdue by any means, but the due date is just on the brink of either month, so we will see! My Dad’s birthday is September 3rd, so I guess we’ll find out if we get that far. 🙂 Either way, I am excited to have a baby in the autumn: enjoy the beautiful Nebraska weather, go on walks through the crunchy leaves, dress baby up for Halloween, and enjoy a lot of snuggles throughout the winter.
How are you feeling? Overall, pretty good. Weeks 9-11 were really the hardest: I felt incredibly exhausted, overwhelmed, food averse, and just yucky. However, this past week I have really felt my energy returning! I got over a miserable double ear infection, and ever since I kicked that, I have felt pretty good most of the time! I still haven’t quite been able to wrap my mind around the fact that there is actually a baby in there. I have come to terms with actually being pregnant, and I have relaxed into that, but as far as actually comprehending that there is a little lemon sized baby inside of me? I am not quite there yet! We going to hear the heartbeat at our appointment next week, and then we’ll have an ultrasound at our 18-20 week appointment, so I really think once we do both of those things, then baby will start feeling real. And, of course, when I can actually feel baby move, that will help too!
How big is baby? Baby L is 3 inches long or about the size of a lemon.
This week baby: baby’s fingerprints are forming (every single article I have read about baby at 13 weeks has made the joke “I hope baby isn’t robbing any banks, because he could be fingerprinted!”. Hardy har har. The joke wasn’t so good the first time, but after the third time baby and I were both rolling our eyes). Also, the part of baby’s brain responsible for complex thinking is developing this week. Baby has discovered how to suck, and might even be sucking his finger.
Weight gain: I weighed myself at the office the other day, and have gained about 1-2 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but my jeans are getting a tad uncomfortable in the waist. I am going to order a belly band this week, so that I can loosen my jeans a bit, but still wear them as long as possible.
Sleep: Pretty good! I still get up more in the night than I did pre-pregnancy, but I am consistently going to bed at 8, and waking up at 5:30 to take hubs to work.
Exercise: Um, none. Now that I am in the second trimester, and my energy is returning, I am going to start exercising again! I had such lofty goals for my first trimester, but they all fell by the wayside when exhaustion had me glued to the coach during my time off from work.
Best moment this week: After making our big announcement on Facebook, and on Dandelion Pie–I have had so many friends reach out to me, and offer advice and encouragement! I have discovered friends who are also pregnant (and just haven’t announced it yet), talked to moms about their birth experiences, and received so much help and support. I am really loving joining the magical world of moms!
Worst moment this week: for the past three weeks I have had one evening each week were I am super ill. I really didn’t have any nausea up until week nine, but since then I have just had random bouts of evening sickness. They are so weird, because I don’t even feel nauseous, but then minutes later I am giving up my supper in the bathroom. The worst part about vomiting is that I get tons of little bruises around my eyes, and it takes more than a week for them to go away. By the time they are starting to fade, I inevitably have a sick evening again. Sigh. Might be time to buy some concealer, I guess.
Miss anything: I do miss being able to drink a giant cup of coffee. I have weaned myself off of my daily cup of coffee, and limit my intake to a small cup three times a week. Gone are the days where I would get a giant cup of iced coffee, and my to-do list would get done in a jiffy.
Movement: I know that everyone says you can’t feel baby this soon, but I had the weirdest sensation this past week: I was in bed, and not even focusing on my belly, and I felt like someone tapped me from the inside. It might have just been digestion or my mind, but it was a weird feeling! Baby L, is that you?
Cravings: donut holes. Seriously, after my evening of being sick I woke up, and just wanted some chocolate milk and donut holes. I am a lot more careful to avoid things that don’t sound good these days, because of my random evenings of sickness.
Symptoms: random evening sickness, tension headaches after 11 hour work days, and fatigue.
Looking forward to: receiving my Amazon Baby Registry Welcome Box!! Unbeknownst to me, until this pregnancy, if you are a prime member, create a baby registry on Amazon, and make one ten-dollar purchase then they send you a free box of goodies! I saw several bloggers write about all the fun stuff they got in the box, and I made sure I got my registry done so I could order that box too! I am planning on doing an unboxing video to show you all the fun stuff they sent me later this week, so keep an eye out for that!
Congratulations! And welcome to the mom community. We’re pretty cool peeps – if I do say so myself. 😉 I’m glad you’re so excited and enthusiastic about your pregnancy! I was always so sick and tired in the beginning!
Thanks, Amanda! I can already tell that the mom community is pretty wonderful. 🙂 I am just feeling like I am finally getting my second wind with this pregnancy. I, at least, have a bit more energy which is so exciting!
Oh man, I feel like I must have messed up! Lol, I’m am amazon prime member, I made an amazon registry, and I definitely spent at least $10 but I must have skipped over how to get a free box of goodies. Definitely share what you get, I’m so curious!
My advice for the second trimester is to take a babymoon, if you can. I think we did it around 26 weeks, so I got to show off my baby bump and people are, in my experience, so nice to pregnant women. Enjoy it! And keep getting lots of rest. Your body is working so hard and deserves some good rest.
You could still request a box, then you could use it for your next babe? 😉 I am not sure how long they’ve been doing this baby registry box, so it might be something new that they weren’t offering last year. So don’t fret!
I will definitely be doing a video of me unboxing it. It will be the first baby stuff that I will receive, and I am SO excited.
I had to go look up your babymoon post to remember where you guys went–aah the coast! I wish we lived closer! We have definitely been throwing around some ideas about our babymoon. Thanks for the encouragement to make that a priority!
Congrats!! 🙂 I just did my second trimester recap post today. I’ll be 27 weeks as of tomorrow. It goes by SO fast. I really feel like I was 13 weeks just yesterday. My pregnancy has been suuuuper easy. Even now as I enter the third trimester, I have next to no symptoms. The only thing kicking my ass is the fact that I get tired so much easier now haha but my work outs have helped a TON in keeping my energy and making myself feel good. I hope your second trimester goes well!! Enjoy every moment of it. It really is the best trimester.
Keating, I LOVE your 27 week update! I am going to do a deep dive into all your pregnancy posts. I love finding bloggers who are currently pregnant, and writing about it! I feel like a learn so much, and I have a whole bunch of women to compare notes with. The tiredness is no joke. I have never felt that depth of exhaustion before. It sure makes me grateful for the days when I do feel energetic, and boy do I get a lot done on those magical days! I am really excited for the second trimester. I just can’t believe my first trimester is over all ready! It went by so fast.
Congratulations! Um… I never had a baby (yet) but that BELLY BAND is genious! How did I never hear of this magical item!? Definitely going to be picking this up for my newly pregnant friends as a gift 🙂
Thanks, Steffanie! I have heard great things about the belly band! A few friends of mine wore them throughout high school, because they were super tall, had long torsos, and had a really hard time finding shirts that were long enough. So they wore the bellyband to provide some added length to the shirts they were wearing. Genius, huh?
Oooooh this is so so exciting! Congratulations!
Thank you, Tawni!
What an exciting post! I just love it, and love that you are sharing all these sweet discoveries. And..by the way..when I was carrying Andrew, I KNOW that I felt movement at 14 weeks, though the doctor said it wasn’t possible at that stage . . .
Good to know! What do the doctors know, anyways. 😉 I wish I would’ve been paying a bit more attention when it happened, it was just sort of the fringe of my consciousness that noticed it. Strange. Can’t wait until I can actually feel a lot of movement!