This Good Friday finds me in a maelstrom of activities, tests and homework.
The labor of this week is winding to an end, and giving birth to a big weekend filled with performances, my first bridal shower (yay!) and then, finally, a restful Easter.
In honor of today, I want to take a few moments to recognize a few of the completely undeserved blessings that have come my way. I hope you can reflect on your own as well.
1. A man died on a cross for me.
I think growing up in a church sometimes I take this for granted, but He–the Son of God–gave up his life, for me.
2.I had the incredible opportunity of seeing one of my favorite musical artists, JJ Heller, in concert last week. A sentence from her song Control has been reseonating strongly with me this week:
“He had scars before my scars
Love written on the hands that hung the stars
Hope living in the blood that was spilled
For me”. -JJ Heller
JJ Heller in concert.
3. Spring has come. Huzzah! We had a terrible thundershower that flattened the daffodils, and reminded me I need to get my windshield wipers fixed. It was everything chaotic, tremendous, and deafening. However, the next morning when I peeked outside I was blinded by lush green grass. Not brown grass, or even gray/green–but bright, living grass. Proof of spring is here at last.
4. Being Certain in the Unknown. When I was a senior in high school I trembled at the murky depths of the future. I did not know what was around the corner, and I feared it. Now that I am a senior in college I feel excited for the unknowns. This growth is proof of a God who hasn’t finished with us yet.
5. Birthdays are the perfect reason to practice joy! Warrior Man had a Birthday yesterday, and we have really enjoyed celebrating. From candles in his breakfast sandwich, to the deft use of window marker on his mirror I have been having fun spoiling the dude. What a wonderful concept–setting aside one day a year in honor of each person. Beautiful.
Springtime is such a reminder that constant renewal–of our spirits, of our relationships, of our energy–is so necessary. It’s truly a blessing from God.
I love spring and this season of just REMEMBRANCE! My kids and I actually are doing something unique this year to help us remember, and I really think it has helped me just move into this season with Thankfulness! Sounds like God has taken you through and helped you grow in so many places! Keep up the posts and thanks for sharing!
Springtime is such a reminder that constant renewal–of our spirits, of our relationships, of our energy–is so necessary. It’s truly a blessing from God.
I love spring and this season of just REMEMBRANCE! My kids and I actually are doing something unique this year to help us remember, and I really think it has helped me just move into this season with Thankfulness! Sounds like God has taken you through and helped you grow in so many places! Keep up the posts and thanks for sharing!