Another week down! It is so insane to me that I have so few bumpdates left to share with you. This could be my last bumpdate–or I might have a 40 Week, or even a 41 Week Bumpdate as well. Who knows!
I’ve felt really good this week, and very energetic. When I was lying awake one night at the beginning of this week, I felt a twinge, and I immediately wondered if I was going into labor soon, and then I started panicking about several important things I had to get done before baby comes (virtual assistant work to tie up, hospital bags to pack, birth center bill to pay), and I realized that time was running short and I better get on it if I was going to get it done before baby shows up! So on Monday, I made a list of all the things I wanted to get done, and ranked them from most important to least important, and then I chose 1-3 things every day to tackle.
I am feeling A LOT more prepared today after spending a whole week checking things off my list.

What is baby up to? Baby’s brain is still growing, and is now 30% bigger than it was four weeks ago! Baby is at his/her birth weight by now, and won’t grow much more before he/she is born (whew!).
What is mama up to? I have been so busy–crossing things off my to-do list, going on long walks, keeping the house clean so we are ready at any time. I pack so much into every day. I am a bit nervous about the slower pace of newborn life, and how I’ll balance that with a toddler, but I know we will figure it out!
Any prelabor signs? I’ve started having some cramps–what I believe to be Braxton Hicks this week, for the first time ever! I definitely have felt like my body is starting to prepare for baby’s arrival.
How was this week’s midwife appointment? My midwife said that baby is super low, and engaged already. I have started to measure behind, because the baby is sitting so very low! She predicted baby is a girl, based on the heart rate being in the 150’s lately. She told me they just delivered a VBAC two days ago who got to the hospital, and delivered the baby only three hours later! She told me to not hesitate to call if my water breaks or if I start having contractions–that the midwives are always on call, 24/7, and that they can advise me over the phone. That they won’t just send me straight to the hospital, but can give me suggestions for what to do next. I can’t believe that we’ve gotten to this point!
How are you feeling? Really good for this far along. I really don’t feel that bad. I know so many women who are incredibly miserable at this point, and I just haven’t felt that terrible–for which I am grateful. Of course, I have aches and pains (and a lot of emotions), and I am super excited to get this labor party started, but overall not feeling too bad.
What are your symptoms? Lightening crotch, body aches (feet, back, etc…), pelvic pressure, and extra emotional.

Weight gain? I’ve gained 23 lbs.
What are you craving? I am still craving ice: I know this is a sign of anemia, but my midwife said my levels have always been really good, so just be sure to keep taking my vitamins and eat well, and it will be okay. Beyond that, I haven’t felt that hungry lately! Most likely because baby is squishing my stomach. I have been faithfully drinking my red raspberry leaf tea, and eating my date bars every day.
What does your self-care routine look like? I have really been prioritizing self-care, because I know my body is about to go through a lot, and that postpartum is such a tough season. One way I’ve been doing this is by not allowing myself do any housework during Gideon’s nap time. He tends to take a 1.5-2.5 hour nap every afternoon, and during that time I don’t do housework, look at my phone or even answer the door. I do something for myself: some days I nap, other days I take a magnesium bath, and other days I spend that time blogging and listening to podcasts. Setting aside that time every day has given me such a boost!
How are you feeling about labor/delivery? I am so excited to get this show on the road! I, of course, am a bit nervous about all the unknowns, but overall I feel as prepared as I can be for tackling this VBAC.
Woohoo! Soo close mama!! I’m betting there will be another bumpdate!